Clay Art Necklace - Black and black
Black and black Clay Art Necklace
Art of Slovenija
Rock'n roll edge
Perfect piece for fall
This piece of jewelry adds a rock edge to any look. It combines easily with both, day and evening outfits.
I use special modeling clay, glass pearls, polished pearls and gemstones in the manufacture of necklaces from the Clay Art set.
jewelry is hand-made. First, I knead modeling clay of different colors
together to create pastel tones, then I model it by hand, until I get
the desired shape. I combine the formed clay with different decorative
powders and effects, and put the desired items in the oven. I protect
them with a special coating. These necklaces consist of different
colours and geometrical shapes. My jewelry holds the craft certificate
of Crafts Association of Slovenia (Obrtna zbornica Slovenije).
More info on email address:
Pri izdelavi ogrlic iz sklopa Clay Art uporabljam
posebno modelirno glino, steklene perle, brušenke in lomljence poldragih
Nakit izdelujem ročno. Modelirno maso različnih
barv sprva zgnetem, da ustvarim pastelne oddtenke nato jo ročno oblikujem in
modeliram vse dokler ne ustvarim željene oblike. Vso oblikovano glino nato
kombiniram z različnimi barvnimi prahovi in efekti, posamezne elemente nato
zapečem. S posebnim premazom izdelke tudi ustrezno zaščitim. Te ogrlice
sestavljajo različni barvni in geometrijski elementi. Nakit nosi certifikat
umetnostne obrti Obrtne zbornice Slovenije.
Več informacij na email naslovu:
Photography: Arne Hodalič
Model: Katja Bidovec
Jewelry: Clay Art Necklace
Black and black Clay Art Necklace Art of Slovenija Rock'n roll edge Perfect piece for fall This piece of...